Rest assured your donation will be used to assist families following the death of a child. your support in any amount, is greatly appreciated.
The idea for this not-for profit organization was launched after the death of my 6 year old son DiJion Sanders who was tragically killed on May 9th 2009. Personally experiencing the lose of a child has brought great insight and awareness of the needs and support that is needed to moms after suffering such a loss. Mourning Over My Seed will offer services that help recognize signs of deprssion and seek medical advice, strengthen family relationships, equip mothers on how to live without their loved ones. Our organization will also offer programs that will allow parents to interact with one another who have experienced a tragic loss so they won't feel alone, therby, providing an outlet and connection with others they can relate to...
Morning Over My Seed will provide you with the latest in grief related information, testaments of hope and healing via our e-news letters. Resources like grief professionals, social service departments ,religious entities and grief organizations
M.O.M.S offers a host of private facebook groups designed to be an outlet
for bereaved parents of deceased children an can only be accessed by request to join and approved by a monitor, please sign up below if you wish to join a group
Sign up to hear from us about special groups and events.
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